Your customers are overwhelmed with the amount of information available to them online. It’s your website’s job to make it as easy as possible for them to understand what you’re selling, and why they should buy it.
Consider what SWEOR found in their 2020 report:
- It takes 0.05 seconds for a user to decide if they like your site and want to stay
- Users spend 5.59 seconds looking at a website’s written content
Start with your home page.
The main message you want to get across should be easy to find without scrolling. Make your case in as few words as possible and lead to a clear call to action. What can you do for them? Why should they care?
Update your services/products.
These may have changed in recent weeks. Consider adding any new features your business is now offering right up front. These offerings could be put in a call out box or pop up message.
Check your grammar.
While ‘there’ can be spelled three different ways, unprofessional and sloppy are always spelled the same.